Lunch & Learn with Power Design Incorporated (PDI)
April 24, 2020 8:12 pmOn March 6th, BPGS partnered with our electrician for the DuPont Residential Project, Power Design Incorporated (PDI), to deliver a training session for BPGS Employees, PDI Employees, BPG360 Staff, and Reside BPG Maintenance. This OSHA certified training was implemented by Robert Muldoon and Katie Sanchez of PDI. BPGS partnered with the Hotel DuPont to utilize the King & Sullivan Room to hold the meeting for around 50 individuals. Prior to the informational session, BPGS provided lunch from Ioannoni’s outside of the BPGS Construction Office.
The Powerpoint presentation focused on a very important electrical issue, Lockout/Tagout and Arc Flash. While reviewing the standards of OSHA and where to find information, we received very pertinent and relevant information on these topics that are critical when working in an existing building and servicing electrical equipment. BPGS’s portfolio contains many buildings with complex electrical services and both high and medium voltage gear so understanding the dangers that exist with modifying services is critical in mitigating risk and identifying the correct protocols to have in place. This works best when partnering with each building’s engineering team so BPGS felt it was necessary to have them at this training as well.
BPGS reviewed the definition and dangers of Arc Flash, top causes of Arch Flashes, and proper PPE and procedures to prevent Arc Flash dangers. BPGS also reviewed the steps to properly lockout and tagout electrical equipment in accordance with OSHA guidelines and standards. With the goal to never work on energized equipment, BPGS and our partners on the residential and commercial teams will continue to have successful and safe projects!