Salvation Army Celebrates New Campus with Dedication Ceremony

December 6, 2022 4:57 pm

The Salvation Army celebrated the completion of its brand new Riverfront East Campus on Saturday, November 5th, with a heartwarming dedication ceremony. Senator Tom Carper and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt Rochester were in attendance to help cut the ribbon on these new spaces. The campus includes three new buildings located next to the Chase Fieldhouse at 610 S Walnut Street. The 40,000 SF Adult Rehabilitation Center (ARC) features first-floor amenities, including a kitchen, dining room, recreation room, and chapel, and 2nd-floor dormitories, providing housing for 86 residents. The 50,ooo SF Retail & Warehouse building features office space, a customer-facing retail store, and storage warehouse for donations.

Salvation Army’s move to its new campus also signifies the first in a series of developments for the Riverfront East neighborhood. With the completion of Salvation Army, phase one of the development may begin with the construction of new roadways creating South Orange Street between South Market Street and the River as well as a riverwalk on the eastern side.

Construction of this project was funded by the Riverfront Development Corporation and supported by over $70o,000 worth of in-kind donations from contractors. Click here to watch a time-lapse video of the construction!