Congratulations to the 2020 Winner of the Neal Goldberg Spirit Award, Michele Garcia!
December 28, 2020 2:58 pmWe would like to congratulate BPGS Project Coordinator & Safety Administrator Michele Garcia, for being the top nominee for BPG’s 14th Annual Neal Goldberg Spirit Award. Every year for the past thirteen years, The Buccini/Pollin Group recognizes an individual who demonstrates characteristics of resilience and strength in honor of late BPG associate Neal Goldberg. Michele epitomizes the spirit and heart Neal embodied on a daily basis despite the challenges of his illness. He was a friend to many and was always ready to assist his colleagues with no complaint.
With her enthusiasm and willingness to go above and beyond to help others, Michele Garcia is a worthy winner of the Neal Goldberg Award. A life long learner dedicated to the safety of others.
Commitment and dedication. Expounding upon her role as Project Coordinator/Safety Administrator for BPGS Construction, Michele quickly jumped into action as a resource for the entire company specializing in COVID-19 safety best practices. She has been a crucial resource in helping keep our associates safe in the office space and in the field.
Going above and beyond. Building upon her own COVID awareness and training, she independently sought out and received certification from Johns Hopkins University & Coursera for COVID Contact Tracing. Round the clock, Michele was on the phone helping ease fears, offer guidance, and stay current on an evolving list of symptoms and timelines. Michele consistently works to keep site signage up-to-date and wrote the foundational framework for a multi-page document on Covid Best Practices, a trusted resource shared companywide. Everyday, Michele actively seeks to be involved in ensuring the health and well being of others. Her hard work and dedication is admirable and we are so proud of all the work she has done.