BPGS Celebrates Women in Construction Week
March 9, 2020 1:58 pmLast week we celebrated the women of BPGS for Women in Construction week! The focus was to highlight women as a viable component of the construction industry and to emphasize their growing role in the field. All BPGS women are listed below with their roles, as well as the amount of years they’ve been with the company:
Victoria Price, Brand and Interior Design Manager (14 years)
Amy Speed, Senior Accountant (14 years)
Phyllis Brabender, Purchasing Specialist (13 years)
Robyn DiLuzio, Project Coordinator (13 years)
Monica Rizzo, Project Administrative Manager (13 years)
Donna Owens, Vice President, Controller (12 years
Mandi Lemons, Executive Assistant II (8 years)
Michele Heckler-Garcia, Project Coordinator (7 years)
Clare Catka, Project Accountant (6 years)
Susan Morgan, Purchasing Agent (6 years)
Stacy Horton, Assistant Development Manager/Executive Assistant (5 years)
Lisa Blanco, Project Accountant (3 years)
Ivi Kusta, Senior Project Manager (2 years)
Olivia Grunseich, Project Engineer (8 months)
Brooke Somers, Project Coordinator (1 month)
Thank you to these women for all of their contributions and hard work over the past 20 years, and making BPGS what it is today!