BPGS Build and Learn: Salvation Army
July 28, 2021 2:35 pmAt BPGS Construction, continuous learning is a crucial part of the company culture. BPGS is dedicated to empowering associates with knowledge to further their careers while also fostering an environment of comradery. Through the years, the team has developed strategic Build and Learn sessions in which all associates gather at a current job site for a lesson on unique aspects of the project or discussion on how an obstacle was overcome.
This week Project Executive Ryan Givler welcomed our Project Engineers to the Salvation Army job site to discuss the ground improvement technology being utilized to reinforce poor soil conditions and provide a solution to grade separation challenges on the site prior to building the foundation.
Installed by GeoStructures, Grouted Impact Piers will be used to bridge the deep layer of soft organic fill found across the site, which is common in the Wilmington Riverfront area due to groundwater. Approximately 1,076 Geopiers® will be installed on a 70,000 SF grid across the site to stabilize the existing grade. A combination of grout and aggregate is then used to create the vertical pier and bridge the weak soil zones and organic layers. Following the installation of the piers, a load transfer platform (structural fill) is compacted on top of the piers to limit post-construction differential settlement to less than an inch.
To learn more about Grouted Impact Piers, click here to watch a video of the Geopier® installation process utilized previously on the 76ers Fieldhouse project, located directly south of the Salvation Army site.